It is impossible to overstate the heroism of the Capitol Police officers, Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department officers, and other law enforcement officers who defended and secured the Capitol that day. They demonstrated to all of us, and to our country, what true courage looks like.
Corroded State Of Disgrace 20
Hi Samuel. "garbage and disgrace" quality as ad hominem attacks. I'm concerned that the owner of the global debate symposium would debate in such a manner. The writer specifically embarrassed neither Regis High School nor Yale University. It appears that you mean to imply that he didn't take advantage of his education at said institutions, but his thoughtful critique implies otherwise. More alarmingly, your comment seems to imply that attendance at said elite institutions demands a certain philosophical loyalty to their programs. Simply because he learned valuable lessons from debate doesn't mean he is forever banned from critiquing the structure of the program. Speaking quickly and spouting unsubstantiated statistics does not constitute impressive rhetoric.I realize you have a vested interest in the health of debate as an organized activity. I have no dog in that fight. I attended an all women's high school and college where organized debate was never an option (interesting connection to the comment above) but I have a degree in philosophy which required me to study rhetoric extensively, and I was appalled when I first learned of the high school practice of speaking quickly to squeeze in data. The aim of debate is not to win. The aim of debate is to learn. When did we lose sight of this?
Sam,Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to read your comment, but I'm judging by the backlash and removal that it wasn't a eloquent or respectful point. Feel free to attach it in a response so I can judge for myself, and apologize to you if necessary. I'm taking this opportunity to rebut you, because Jack summed up fairly and well the death spiral of academic debate that has happened over the last 40-50 years.My background is of a much different pedigree. I grew up around (I debated for 2 years in Policy, and my siblings and I have been involved in debate for the last 12 years) the Michigan homeschool debate leagues, linked to educational/ religious organizations where parents and mentors can force their ideological wills on children and urge and condition them to stand up for something. I've seen the leagues produce the best equipped individuals, in terms of determining what they believe in and standing up for that strongly. Truthfully, I have seen many students deviate IMMENSELY from the ideologies held by their parents. These are not brain washing operations (or else they just don't work as such). But in these leagues, the goal is to make your point convincingly and fairly, without resorting to personal attacks or exploitation. The idea of spoken argument is that it allows the human conscious to express and evolve collectively, which is a worthy and necessary goal. Please refute this if you have any ability, but bluntly, using a very visible political example to make my point, I believe that President Trump would be quite at home in a typical "spreading" style debate round, and absolutely and utterly LOST in a debate that valued and upheld rhetoric, logic, and respect.That should be a red flag.So I press you to tell me what IS the value of educating kids through this medium? I have no problem with kids engaging in this type of behavior for fun or sport, but maybe its time we stop considering it part of an education. Instead, I see it to be very similar to battle rapping. Yes, the content is different, and there are fewer personal attacks, but the intention is the same: say more that your opponent in the time allotted and simply overwhelm them with your delivery. There is no value in this cannibalized version of debate, and it is clogging society like plastic is clogging the oceans. Are you, as apparently someone who is willing to stand for the state of academic debate going to do anything about that, or will you continue to spool up the machine faster and faster? From an evolutionary standpoint, do you wish to see humans move forward in their ability to speak faster, or do you wish us to evolve in what I would argue is a more worthy way, like perhaps understanding the merit of this or that perspective and knowing how to express their own?I'd appreciate a reply, because I value argument and the ability of humans to reach conclusion based on their innate understanding of truth and justice.
To rectify this situation, the president must regain power in the budget process. He should have the authority to set overall spending, subject to a congressional override, and he needs a line-item veto (which might require a constitutional amendment). The line-item veto, which most state governors enjoy, would give the president bargaining power with Congress.