Almost 3 years ago to the day US gamers were able to play CAPCOM's fourth title in the Devil May Cry series on major consoles. While still not as critically acclaimed as the original Playstation 2 brawler, it carried on the traditions of the series while adding a fresh twist to the gameplay. Now iOS gamers can also get their hands on 'Devil May Cry 4 refrain', but with its diminished graphics, gameplay and storyline it's a far cry from the devilish title it could be.
"Yea," said a third, "hearken a stave of Robin Hood; maybe that shallhasten the coming of one I wot of." And he fell to singing in a clearvoice, for he was a young man, and to a sweet wild melody, one of thoseballads which in an incomplete and degraded form you have read perhaps.My heart rose high as I heard him, for it was concerning the struggleagainst tyranny for the freedom of life, how that the wildwood and theheath, despite of wind and weather, were better for a free man than thecourt and the cheaping-town; of the taking from the rich to give to thepoor; of the life of a man doing his own will and not the will ofanother man commanding him for the commandment's sake. The men alllistened eagerly, and at whiles took up as a refrain a couplet at theend of a stanza with their strong and rough, but not unmusical voices.As they sang, a picture of the wild-woods passed by me, as they wereindeed, no park-like dainty glades and lawns, but rough and tangledthicket and bare waste and heath, solemn under the morning sun, anddreary with the rising of the evening wind and the drift of thenight-long rain.
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"Sir Fool, hold your peace till ye have heard me, or else we shoot atonce. Go back to those that sent thee, and tell them that we free menof Kent are on the way to London to speak with King Richard, and totell him that which he wots not; to wit, that there is a certain sortof fools and traitors to the realm who would put collars on our necksand make beasts of us, and that it is his right and his devoir to do ashe swore when he was crowned and anointed at Westminster on the Stoneof Doom, and gainsay these thieves and traitors; and if he be too weak,then shall we help him; and if he will not be king, then shall we haveone who will be, and that is the King's Son of Heaven. Now, therefore,if any withstand us on our lawful errand as we go to speak with our ownking and lord, let him look to it. Bear back this word to them thatsent thee. But for thee, hearken, thou bastard of an inky sheep-skin!get thee gone and tarry not; three times shall I lift up my hand, andthe third time look to thyself, for then shalt thou hear the loose ofour bowstrings, and after that nought else till thou hearest the devilbidding thee welcome to hell!" 2ff7e9595c