A basic compiler for avr chips was written many years ago and works great if someone would fix it where it would port directly to the ard kits. As it is you can still write your program in basic and send to the atmel chip isp. It is called Bascom avr. If you can find a copy I could zip it up for you as I bought it many years ago. It still runs under windows 7, xp or 98. stx38834@gmail.com
It’s Here! Half-Byte Tiny Basic 2 For Arduino And compatibles
Ill say go for the BASIC, if there is someone who cant know where the goto goes thats their problem, time will tell who wins a dificult language like lua, c, arduino sketch or Basic, arduiino is the first eazy plataform for electronics but is tied-up with a C-like programing, now if we change that to an easy one like Basic its going to grow Viral
My Teensy3.1's have no issues running any t85, Uno or any other Arduino code unless the code requires pins that aren't present on the teensy.Most changes required either involve the 3.3 analog ports. (the digital ports are 5v tolerant) or adding port buffers to increase the drive current...There are some other differences but those are more likely to deal with things like DMA functions or the two really neat and fast I2C ports that can operate @ 2+ MHzSome time basic I wrote (borrowed) a tiny 85 sketch that makes a yellow led... flicker like a candle in a small breeze.I changed the led pin to a PWM port and I have a pretty little candle... with an ldr for daylight shutdowm sensing..Having 256 k of flash, 64k of sram and 2k of Eeprom, full USB a 12 bit dac as well as using the large Arduino code base both .023 and 1.0+ versions is nice too.That the board can be overclocked to 96 + MHz from a 72 MHz default is nice also. The board will work to from 4, 8, 14, 24, 48 and 72 MHz where 96 MHz is a menu selectable over clock option... the board can go to 186 MHz with some small code changes, Too.So the Teensy 3.1 @ $19.80 from PJRC or $17.00 from OSH Part is a nice fast and inexpensive board that is easy or better to use than A 16 MHz Pro mini.I don't recommend starting out with a teensy unless your basic code skills are good however it's a good bridge between a Mega 2560 and a Due.. and at the price, adding the cost of an Arduino compatible Uno style shield board... places It just below the cost of a Mega R3. and some of the add-on boards support the use of the nRF24XX. Two 8 pin connectors, one for HW support and the other for bitbanged SPI... available from TindieIt's a combination That's hard to beat...One more thing is that there is a good forum for support of your your issues... Too.
I agree with USB, I usually just have an FTDI header for connecting a USB/Serial adapter for debug purposes, then unplug it when done downloading/debugging & ready to go embedded.You can see that here on the '1284P derivative board that I offer with a FTDI Basic clone from tinyosshop.comCross Roads Electronics1002582 70.8 KB1083791 84.7 KB1094455 72.4 KB
Excellent tutorial.How can i communicate more then two Arduinos using NRf24L01. I am working on a project where i have LCD with each arduinos and there is no concept of master-slave in it. for example. Arduino A send message to arduino B and C and display that message on B and C LCD. and then B or C reply to A And A show the message on LCD.This project is based on consensus control of multi-agent systems where every agent is responsible to control its own resources.
Provide what code you used, copy from your arduino IDE and paste it properly with the code tag, press #. Again no one will have your exact code even if you think it's THE standard code. There is a lack of standard here so everyone needs to have what you have to help.
Most importantly, Chip has seen the light, and incorporated basic Interrupt/ISR functionality into each Core. For those that understand how easy non-interrupt programming can make things, that is still there, and for those who blew-off the Prop1 for not having interrupts, now it will.
There are a few more minor "tweaks" we will introduce later but .. these four, with an understanding of Ohms Law, allow us to design and understand op amp circuits very easily - as you will see in the basic circuits that are described below (Reply 3).
Communication between electronic devices is like communication between humans. Both sides need to speak the same language. In electronics, these languages are called communication protocols. Luckily for us, there are only a few communication protocols we need to know when building most DIY electronics projects. In this series of articles, we will discuss the basics of the three most common protocols: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), and Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) driven communication. 2ff7e9595c